March 30, 2009

March 22, 2009

Blurry but pretty blue, this is a
shot of one of the top ten most
beautiful man made lakes at dusk...
Lake Lure on 4th o July 2oo8.

The fireworks were just about
to begin. Matt, Randy, Forest & I
were cuddled on a smelly(sulfur?)
hill surrounded by other anxious,
excitement stirred up folks.
It was a beautiful light show, one
of our favs. We had a blast kickin'
around Chimney Rock town for a
few daze and camped near by.

LuLu the kitten

see a trillion dollars

Check out what a trillion dollars looks like!

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Grace Flies

~ Grace flies on the wings of Gratitude ~

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March 21, 2009

Baffled Mind

The mind that is not baffled is not employed.

Wendell Berry

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Spring Arts Shake Fest

~ GVL Spring Arts Fest BellyDance Collective ShakeFest is In the Works, Baby! 2:00 Sun29 ThomasCntr.

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March 20, 2009

March 19, 2009

March 18, 2009

Bit o My Vegan Story

Some folks have recently written to me, radial Vegans like I used to be…although, they teach and promote veganism for mamas and babies and kids…I didn’t really go that route, although in a very personal note, I did. Ya see, was vegan 13 years out of my 22 years as a vegetarian. Was pregnant while vegan and nursed vegan. When my child was 4 we changed. Had to. Health was in shambles…both kids were sick alot. Younger one had loads of cavities, even though he never had sugar, undiluted juice….I could go on and on. Health story, after story. Maybe I will one day. I listened to wisdom speak to me. To God yellin and animals whispering. To me. To change.

Change was in order. Took me 2 years of search, reading, talking to take the leap. The day I read that there were no surviving 3rd generation vegans…well, that really shook me up. My heart fell to my belly. A lump formed in my throat. Tears. It can't be true, I thought . But I knew deep in my being it was. That finding was Spirit led. I asked all my long time vegan buddies who did they know that was 3rd or second generation..? No one knew anyone. I read more. Nothing. That day I took my son to the health food store and I bought whole fat organic milk yogurt and we sat out front and ate it, asap. He said it tasted funny, and I thought how I had warped his taste buds. I told him I was wrong, that I had been wrong, and we needed animal foods to be stronger and healthier. It broke my heart, but I knew it was true. I thought that day would never happen. Sometimes we have to change to heal. I healed from low thyroid cancer deficiencies in B12 minerals iron energy blood hormones vit D… Animal foods gave me back my life.

I am indebted forever to the animals. Thanks be.

Myth: Heart disease in America is caused by consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat from animal products.

Truth: During the period of rapid increase in heart disease (1920-1960), American consumption of animal fats declined but consumption of hydrogenated and industrially processed vegetable fats increased dramatically. (USDA-HNI)

Myth: Saturated fat clogs arteries.

Truth: The fatty acids found in artery clogs are mostly unsaturated (74%) of which 41% are polyunsaturated. (Lancet 1994 344:1195)

Myth: Vegetarianism is healthy.

Truth: The annual all-cause death rate of vegetarian men is slightly more than that of non-vegetarian men (.93% vs .89%); the annual death rate of vegetarian women is significantly more than that of non-vegetarian women (.86% vs .54%) (Am J Clin Nutr 1982 36:873)

Myth: Vitamin B12 can be obtained from certain plant sources such as blue-green algae and soy products.

Truth: Vitamin B12 is not absorbed from plant sources. Modern soy products increase the body’s need for B12. (Soybeans: Chemistry & Technology Vol 1 1972)

Myth: For good health, serum cholesterol should be less than 180 mg/dl.

Truth: The all-cause death rate is higher in individuals with cholesterol levels lower than 180 mg/dl. (Circulation 1992 86:3:1026-1029)

Myth: Animal fats cause cancer and heart disease.

Truth: Animal fats contain many nutrients that protect against cancer and heart disease; elevated rates of cancer and heart disease are associated with consumption of large amounts of vegetable oils. (Fed Proc July 1978 37:2215)

Myth: Children benefit from a low-fat diet.

Truth: Children on low-fat diets suffer from growth problems, failure to thrive & learning disabilities. (Food Chem News 10/3/94)

Myth: A low-fat diet will make you “feel better … and increase your joy of living.”

Truth: Low-fat diets are associated with increased rates of depression, psychological problems, fatigue, violence and suicide. (Lancet 3/21/92 v339)

Myth: To avoid heart disease, we should use margarine instead of butter.

Truth: Margarine eaters have twice the rate of heart disease as butter eaters. (Nutrition Week 3/22/91 21:12)

Myth: Americans do not consume enough essential fatty acids.

Truth: Americans consume far too much of one kind of EFA (omega-6 EFAs found in most polyunsaturated vegetable oils) but not enough of another kind of EFA (omega-3 EFAs found in fish, fish oils, eggs from properly fed chickens, dark green vegetables and herbs, and oils from certain seeds such as flax and chia, nuts such as walnuts and in small amounts in all whole grains.) (Am J Clin Nutr 1991 54:438-63)

Myth: A vegetarian diet will protect you against atherosclerosis.

Truth: The International Atherosclerosis Project found that vegetarians had just as much atherosclerosis as meat eaters. (Lab Invest 1968 18:498)

Myth: Low-fat diets prevent breast cancer.

Truth: A recent study found that women on very low-fat diets (less than 20%) had the same rate of breast cancer as women who consumed large amounts of fat. (NEJM 2/8/96)

Myth: The “cave man diet” was low in fat.

Truth: Throughout the world, primitive peoples sought out and consumed fat from fish and shellfish, water fowl, sea mammals, land birds, insects, reptiles, rodents, bears, dogs, pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, game, eggs, nuts and milk products. (Abrams, Food & Evolution 1987)

Myth: Coconut oil causes heart disease.

Truth: When coconut oil was fed as 7% of energy to patients recovering from heart attacks, the patients had greater improvement compared to untreated controls, and no difference compared to patents treated with corn or safflower oils. Populations that consume coconut oil have low rates of heart disease. Coconut oil may also be one of the most useful oils to prevent heart disease because of its antiviral and antimicrobial characteristics. (JAMA 1967 202:1119-1123; Am J Clin Nutr 1981 34:1552)

Myth: Saturated fats inhibit production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.

Truth: Saturated fats actually improve the production of all prostaglandins by facilitating the conversion of essential fatty acids. (Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation Journal 20:3)

Myth: Arachidonic acid in foods like liver, butter and egg yolks causes production of “bad” inflammatory prostaglandins.

Truth: Series 2 prostaglandins that the body makes from arachidonic acid both encourage and inhibit inflammation under appropriate circumstances. Arachidonic acid is vital for the function of the brain and nervous system. (Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation Journal 20:3)

Myth: Beef causes colon cancer

Truth: Argentina, with higher beef consumption, has lower rates of colon cancer than the US. Mormons have lower rates of colon cancer than vegetarian Seventh Day Adventists (Cancer Res 35:3513 1975)

Vegetarianism isn’t healthy, and veganism is worse. The annual all-cause death rate of vegetarian men is slightly more than that of non-vegetarian men (.93% vs .89%); the annual death rate of vegetarian women is significantly more than that of non-vegetarian women (.86% vs .54%) (Am J Clin Nutr 1982 36:873) One serious deficiency characteristic of vegetarian and vegan diets is Vitamin B12 This essential nutrient is not absorbed from plant sources. Modern soy products increase the body’s need for B12. (Soybeans: Chemistry & Technology Vol 1 1972) Cholesterol is an essential component of the body and is the precursor for all of our steroid hormones. The all-cause death rate is higher in individuals with cholesterol levels lower than 180 mg/dl. (Circulation 1992 86:3:1026-1029)

Animal fats contain many nutrients that protect against cancer and heart disease; elevated rates of cancer and heart disease are associated with consumption of large amounts of vegetable oils. (Fed Proc July 1978 37:2215) Children must have healthy fats in their diet. Breast milk is high in fat. Children on low-fat diets suffer from growth problems, failure to thrive & learning disabilities. (Food Chem News 10/3/94) Low-fat diets are associated with increased rates of depression, psychological problems, fatigue, violence and suicide. (Lancet 3/21/92 v339)

March 5, 2009