January 29, 2009

flat Stanley...

~ Flat Stanley was visiting from Michigan. Sending him home today. Had fun with him. Did he visit you?

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January 28, 2009

daily simple action...

~ Multiple compounded postive daily simple actions taken towards your DreamGOal will create future Amazing Huge Success.

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January 27, 2009


~Expect that which you truly desire. Belief+Expectation+Action=BIG Results!

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January 24, 2009


~Gorgeous Sunny Saturday in North Florida.

Have a sweet day all ya'll !

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January 19, 2009

rad new pres...

**Yipppeeee! A new President and 4 females in the

slave built White House!! CHANGE.

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January 17, 2009

God with You...

God w/ You is bigger than the problem. Not the other way around. Perception is key.

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January 10, 2009

some ideas...

~I was vegan for 13yrs til I got very ill & then studied ancestors' diets: there r no surviving 3rd generation vegans. It is a modern cleanse diet. yikes.

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January 9, 2009


Whew. Home from giving massages. Still smilin' about the GATOR victory!! Woohoo. Gorgeous day in Gainesville. Ah. wot u doin?

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Gators Rock the Nation...

Randy as Hockey dude & Forest as Tim Tebow

Halloween '08

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~Told you we would cream Oklahoma!!!


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January 8, 2009

Go Gators!!! We Rock.

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MRSA, Stopped up tubs n toilets n leaky sinks ~ heaven and near Electrical dealth....geez.

Wot a week or month or so it has been! After the MRSA from chin zit battle that my teenager endured including 3 daze of multi antibiotic iv in the ER - (now he is back to his cute sassy self) and my Mom in Law passing from a possible pill overdose. geez.
Sandy~ We love you so. RIP. :{
Our lil ole 1941 house plumbing goes caput and my Husband is almost killed from electrical explosion . Chk the vid here...
Boy, are we are ready for a Holiday in Cambodia with large Mojitos, shade bonnets and citronella repellent. whew.
More later, when I can catch my breath.
However, Life is so good now.
Tomorrow said teen gets all 4 Wisdom teeth removed and
the Florida Gators will cream Oklahoma.

January 1, 2009

2009 is Here. Yippeee.

I am so glad and grateful for another start of what will be a fantastically super duper rewarding and healing New Year. Do you agree? We have a lot to look forward to ~ including a new President. More change. What are your dreams for the new year? I dream about more peace, abundance, true freedoms and healings of all sorts for all peoples everywhere. I have personal goals of the same. I have systems GO in place and am taking action. I will hold myself accountable and help others to achieve more greatness in their lives and in so doing ~ in the lives of their families and countless others. I hope to touch even more lives than previously - to encourage and inspire my brothers and sisters world wide! I am learning more and more each day, for this I am also very grateful. I will have an even bigger vision of my future. I am blessed beyond measure and have a lot of Love in my life. Thanks be!
I am wishing you the best of the best for all of your
dreams and desires creating into massive fruitfulness.
Cheers and Many Blessings!
Suzy Q Bell


“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin