March 22, 2011

Word Up.

I let go and trust the indwelling Spirit to bless and fulfill me.
The wisdom of God is within me. With divine wisdom, I have the power to make wise and right judgments. I let go of that which no longer serves me and treasure the blessings that fill my life with good.
I embrace supportive people, inspiring places and productive ideas. I let go of thoughts, beliefs and situations that are not in my best interest, that tear down rather than uplift.
I release any perceived power I may have given to people or situations outside me. As I pray, I rejoice in the truth that God is my indwelling power. I let go and trust God to bless and fulfill my life. My mind, heart and life are guided by the wisdom of God and filled with abundant treasures.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.--Matthew 6:21

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