February 1, 2013

Tips For Crushing it in 2013

 There is no time like the present to start fulfilling your dreams!

Chk this out:

1. Get a One Year Plan!

Plan for 1 year from now. Where do you want to be, what do you want to have achieved this time next year? How about 5 years from now? You have to think long term and decide the direction you want to go… then go for it.

Planning ahead is like having a lighthouse in the fog. Everyday challenges of narrow-view perspectives will blind you if you don’t have that solid beam of light to guide you. Write down your main objectives for the next 12 months, print them out and post them around you so that you see them EVERY DAY.  Everything is influenced by that guiding light.  Plus, if something you are doing is not directing you into the right area, it is likely a bad move, so change it!

2. Break Down The BIG PLAN Into Bite Size Pieces.

Many people create goals or plans and have a fantastic idea and then have no idea how to get there… they see the light and know that is where they need to be but have no real idea how to move forwards. It’s like a puzzle, they know the final picture is there but have no idea how to navigate to put it together.

It is easiest to break down goals into chunks… Sometimes I even work from the destination backwards. For example,  to achieve X I must already have A,B, and C done first. Guess what, you have just created your executable sub-goals. You have to arrange them in order of priority. For example if C cannot happen until A is in place then A must take priority. This can be a simple path to success. Have a plan and points to execute you can move forward accordingly.

3. STICK To Your DeadLines!

Focus, deadlines and time management can be a serious challenge! However, one thing I have found is that for each executable goal you MUST set deadlines. Procrastination is one of the biggest killers of success. Set deadlines like they were CRITICAL and unmovable! Work towards that deadline and you will hit every bull's eye as you go. Do Not make those deadlines flexible, or procrastination will creep in and crush You.

If you fail to hit a deadline that you have set, then any subsequent deadline is moved or even destroyed… and that makes moving forward even harder.  If it is just unavoidable and you have done everything you can to hit a deadline and it just did not work out, you can be flexible.  The efforts you make will pay off in the long run, so be very consistant. Constant momentum and determination will eventually drive you to where you want to be!

4. Delegate The Busy Work.

You should not carry the weight of everything on your shoulders and you should be focused on moving forward to their goals. Many new entrepreneurs want to do everything themselves to save their finances and learn the skills and this can slow you down and hurt you. It's fantastic to learn everything, but take your time and pace yourself, while getting some help.

Remember, you cannot be all things to all people all the time. For example, if you need to create a new website for your business, you don’t have time to become a master graphics artist, or expert in HTML or WordPress. Maybe you need to have some coding done… So, if you were to do all this yourself you would have to master Photoshop, learn HTML, PHP, WordPress and many other critical skills… that could take months or years to master in some cases.

Any efforts you make in the starting period would be mediocre at best.  Ask yourself some key questions...like how would that impact the perception of your business? How many hours did you spend trying to learn that skill and how much is your time worth per hour? The simplest approach is to hire someone or delegate that task to someone who has already mastered the skills you need. They can do it while you focus on the critical parts of your business and keep the momentum moving forwards.

5. Hire, Partner or Barter.

This is what should be your mantra moving forwards. As I mentioned in the previous section, hiring someone to do the busy/grunt work is something you must do when ever possible. However, don’t consider that only for busy work.  Hiring people with very specific and specialist skills sets can save you a fortune in the long run as opposed to trying to do it yourself.

We don’t always have a way or means to do things the way we would in a perfect world, sometimes the budget does not exist for such things.  Look to either hire, partner or barter. If there is some common ground where you have valuable skills and assets you can leverage with a supplier of certain skills you can either barter those skills and assets or even partner up with them in some form to get a massive discount or leverage that working relationship to do a true work in trade.

6. Invest, Invest and Reinvest.

Investing in your business, yourself and then reinvesting profits back into the business to help it grow is CRUCIAL. I see so many people celebrate any success they have and then spend the profits and drain the business, effectively putting it back to square one.... and then wonder what happened? Always consider future growth, even if that means that you cannot use some of the  profits until everything is 100% sustainable and constant.

You need to be able to invest in your business - your time, effort, skills and monetary commitment to your success is critical. You must also invest in yourself. Your biggest asset in business is your brain and mindset. Everything you can do to enhance that

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